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Open Letter to Our VETRO FiberMap Customers: You Are Our Innovators

Posted by Team NBT on Feb 6, 2017 2:14:54 PM

VETRO FiberMap CustomersWe’ve spent the past two years talking with you, learning from you, and working hard to design a perfect toolbox for you. We have been impressed with your ingenuity, your persistence, and your drive to get things built. No matter how small you are, you are finding ways to rebuild the internet where it is needed and where the big boys won’t invest - from small towns to rural areas, missed markets, and opportunity pockets. For older telephone companies and cable operators keeping things fresh – fibering up your long served local footprints has been fantastic.

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Tags: Company News

Midwest Telephone Consortium MetaLINK Adopts VETRO FiberMap Broadband Network Mapping & Fiber Management Solution

Posted by Team NBT on Dec 29, 2016 2:16:17 PM

Portland, ME - December 20th, 2016 - VETRO FiberMap, a leading provider of solutions for fiber network mapping and broadband infrastructure management, today announced that MetaLINK Technologies, Inc., a well-established ISP with a growing fiber network in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, has adopted VETRO FiberMap as a core business platform for both its fiber and microwave plant records. browser. This solution helps MetaLINK plan, design, cost, build, market, and manage their network with workflow applications available to all departments, anytime, anywhere, through any web browser.

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Tags: Partnerships

GWI Endorses VETRO FiberMap

Posted by Team NBT on Dec 2, 2016 2:16:56 PM

GWI Endorses VETRO FiberMap.

“We had [management] systems to do that in the past but they really weren’t designed for this… it was painful… we couldn’t get answers quickly and it was labor intensive to get them. We were always coming up with custom solutions and with VETRO FiberMap, where their inventory system matches the network, we can very quickly get answers,” endorses Fletcher Kittredge, CEO of GWI.

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Tags: Partnerships

GWI Adopts VETRO FiberMap SaaS Platform for Broadband Network Mapping & Fiber Management

Posted by Team NBT on Oct 4, 2016 2:19:55 PM

Flexible, API-Driven, SaaS Platform provides real-time FTTX network mapping to all departments anytime, anywhere, through any browser.

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Tags: Partnerships

A Look at Fiber for the New Economy with Broadband Communities Magazine

Posted by Team NBT on Jul 19, 2016 2:23:10 PM

The team at VETRO FiberMap™ is pleased to announce that they will be attending the upcoming Fiber for the New Economy conference held October 18-20 in Minneapolis, MN at the Radisson Blu Downtown! Fiber for the New Economy is part of the Economic Development Conference Series and brings together a wide variety of professionals including government officials, economic development professionals, investors, network operators, business leaders, financial institutions, community anchor institutions, electrical cooperatives, and broadband champions! This event will showcase representatives from different aspects of the fiber community and VETRO FiberMap™ will be heading up booth 16 for demos!

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Tags: Industry Trends

Google Earth for Fiber Mapping: Blessing or Curse?

Posted by Team NBT on Apr 26, 2016 2:27:19 PM

Is Google Earth for Fiber Mapping a blessing or curse? Over the past 15 years of doing GIS business in telco we have seen a major shift off of desktop GIS tools and onto Google Earth. Google bought and launched the Google Earth platform we all now know in 2005, leveraging technology and the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) originally created by Keyhole (fun fact, a CIA funded startup). It became wildly popular for a number of reasons - it’s easy, it’s loaded with imagery and data, it’s fun, it’s gorgeous, it’s flexible, and it’s free!!

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Tags: Industry Trends

Moore's Law and High Speed Broadband

Posted by Team NBT on Mar 23, 2016 2:29:07 PM

Every now and then I find the time to read those copies of The Economist magazine that stack up on my dining room table (yes, I do still read print because I find it is the most convenient way to read magazine articles while traveling). My interest was piqued by the title on the cover of the March 12th edition ”The Future of Computing.” Because I am in the computing business, I decided I should see what my future holds. It turns out the primary question the authors were trying to answer was what the computing world will look like as the pace of computer hardware advancements slow or level off.

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Tags: Industry Trends

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