VETRO FiberMap® and CCMI Announce Industry-Leading Platform Integration

Posted by Team NBT on May 22, 2018 2:32:42 PM

VETRO FiberMap® and CCMI Announce Industry-Leading Platform Integration

CCMI’s FiberLocator Database Housed Within VETRO FiberMap® Network Mapping and Management Solution Provides ISPs with Unprecedented Functionality and Seamless Access to Market Intelligence and Network Infrastructure Discovery.

Portland, ME - May 22, 2018 - VETRO FiberMap, a leading provider of solutions for fiber network mapping and broadband infrastructure management, and CCMI, makers of FiberLocator, the fiber discovery platform, today announced that VETRO and FiberLocator can now share data and work in concert, enabling superior network planning and design coupled with market intelligence on partner and competitor assets.

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VETRO FiberMap® and CostQuest Associates Launch Partnership

Posted by Team NBT on Apr 27, 2018 5:07:03 PM

Portland, ME -- Today NBT Solutions, makers of fiber network mapping platform VETRO FiberMap® and broadband economic modeling firm CostQuest Associates announced an integration partnership blending VETRO FiberMap’s fiber GIS with CostQuest’s broadband business case modeling engine.  The “VETRO-CQ” joint offering is a cloud based platform that empowers broadband providers with the ability to assess the viability of building FTTx in any market, coupled with comprehensive tools for network engineering, design, and ongoing operations and inventory.  Using VETRO-CQ, service providers will be able to compete at a higher level in their markets; VETRO-CQ features:

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VETRO FiberMap & CostQuest Associates Release CAF II Opportunity Analysis Tool

Posted by Team NBT on Feb 8, 2018 2:19:56 PM

Portland, ME - VETRO FiberMap and CostQuest Associates (CQA) announced today the release of a jointly developed analysis tool for broadband providers to assess their potential for participating in the FCC’s forthcoming CAF II Reverse Auction.

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Fiber Mapping Supports Network Growth

Posted by Team NBT on Nov 15, 2017 10:53:20 AM

By Masha Zager, Broadband Communities June, 2017

Great Works Internet (GWI) is a small but fast-growing internet service provider in Maine. Though it began in the 1990s as a dial-up provider and then leased copper infrastructure to provide DSL service – it still offers DSL and even dial-up in some areas – its current business model, and the source of its growth, is as a fiber overbuilder.

GWI’s fiber network serves thousands of commercial premises throughout Maine; at the same time, it is working with a number of small cities and towns to build municipal fiber networks through creative partnerships. For example, in South Portland, GWI committed to a citywide fiber build because the city government agreed to be the anchor tenant. In Sanford, GWI will operate and provide services on an open-access municipal network, and in Islesboro, it will be the operator of and sole service provider on a municipal network.

The secret to GWI’s success lies in building fiber in the right places – that is, where it can make a business case. To do this, it must be able to quickly and accurately predict the costs of reaching premises with fiber and the revenues from delivering services. That, in turn, takes a lot of data, as well as the capacity to analyze that data.

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NBT Solutions raises $773,333 in Seed Round Funding from Consortium of Maine Funding Partners to Accelerate Broadband Fiber Mapping Product

Posted by Team NBT on Jul 30, 2017 4:19:09 PM

Fiber Mapping VETRO FibermapGrowth capital will support expanded development and global go-to-market activities for NBT’s innovative VETRO FiberMap® mapping platform for fiber optic infrastructure.

June 29th, 2017 (Portland, ME) – NBT Solutions, a nine year old mapping software development company specializing in telecommunications mapping solutions, today announced the closing of a Seed Round of equity investment. The round was led by the Maine Venture Fund and CEI Ventures, Inc, with major support from the Bangor Angels and the Maine Angels.

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VETRO FiberMap & COS Systems Announce Interoperability of COS Systems Demand Aggregation Suite with VETRO FiberMap Network Mapping & Fiber Management Solution

Posted by Team NBT on Mar 21, 2017 2:29:45 PM

VETRO FiberMap™ & COS Systems announce COS Service Zones demand aggregation suite is compatible with the fiber management solution

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Midwest Telephone Consortium MetaLINK Adopts VETRO FiberMap Broadband Network Mapping & Fiber Management Solution

Posted by Team NBT on Dec 29, 2016 2:16:17 PM

Portland, ME - December 20th, 2016 - VETRO FiberMap, a leading provider of solutions for fiber network mapping and broadband infrastructure management, today announced that MetaLINK Technologies, Inc., a well-established ISP with a growing fiber network in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, has adopted VETRO FiberMap as a core business platform for both its fiber and microwave plant records. browser. This solution helps MetaLINK plan, design, cost, build, market, and manage their network with workflow applications available to all departments, anytime, anywhere, through any web browser.

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GWI Endorses VETRO FiberMap

Posted by Team NBT on Dec 2, 2016 2:16:56 PM

GWI Endorses VETRO FiberMap.

“We had [management] systems to do that in the past but they really weren’t designed for this… it was painful… we couldn’t get answers quickly and it was labor intensive to get them. We were always coming up with custom solutions and with VETRO FiberMap, where their inventory system matches the network, we can very quickly get answers,” endorses Fletcher Kittredge, CEO of GWI.

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GWI Adopts VETRO FiberMap SaaS Platform for Broadband Network Mapping & Fiber Management

Posted by Team NBT on Oct 4, 2016 2:19:55 PM

Flexible, API-Driven, SaaS Platform provides real-time FTTX network mapping to all departments anytime, anywhere, through any browser.

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