A Look at Fiber for the New Economy with Broadband Communities Magazine

Posted by Team NBT on Jul 19, 2016 2:23:10 PM

The team at VETRO FiberMap™ is pleased to announce that they will be attending the upcoming Fiber for the New Economy conference held October 18-20 in Minneapolis, MN at the Radisson Blu Downtown! Fiber for the New Economy is part of the Economic Development Conference Series and brings together a wide variety of professionals including government officials, economic development professionals, investors, network operators, business leaders, financial institutions, community anchor institutions, electrical cooperatives, and broadband champions! This event will showcase representatives from different aspects of the fiber community and VETRO FiberMap™ will be heading up booth 16 for demos!

BBC Magazine

To register online today just click here!
For more information visit the website of Fiber for the New Economy.

Minneapolis, here we come!

Tags: Industry Trends

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