How to use VETRO to Plan, Design and Operate your Winning RDOF Network

Posted by Victoria Karol on May 18, 2020 10:58:18 AM

Blog by Will Mitchell, VETRO Cofounder, CEO and lifelong mapping enthusiast

Assessing the Landscape

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Tags: webinars, Case Studies, Industry Trends, FCC

Case Study: Open Access Fiber in South Africa

Posted by Cecilia on Mar 24, 2019 3:34:11 AM

TTConnect uses VETRO FiberMap to meet demand for open access fiber broadband networks.

Sample network from TTConnect in VETRO FiberMap.
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Tags: Case Studies

Case Study: Mapping as a Strategic Tool

Posted by Cecilia on Jan 25, 2019 1:30:30 AM

Kit Carson Electric Cooperative uses VETRO FiberMap mapping to reduce troubleshooting time and meet demand for new fiber broadband service.

Kit Carson Electric Cooperative (KCEC) is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative that has served Taos, Colfax and Rio Arriba counties in New Mexico since 1944. For the past 75 years, KCEC has provided electricity to more than 29,000 members. In the 1990s, the electrical deregulation movement brought unprecedented changes to the utility industry and opened the door for KCEC to offer new infrastructure services, such as propane and internet. In 2000, Kit Carson Internet was established to resell dial-up, DSL, satellite internet and line-of-sight wireless.

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Tags: Case Studies

Case Study: Managing Customer Demand

Posted by Team NBT on Jan 8, 2018 8:50:30 PM

How Greenlight Networks Uses VETRO FiberMap to Manage Customer Demand

In the following case study, you’ll learn how Greenlight Networks, an internet service provider (ISP) based in Rochester, NY, cultivates and manages customer demand for their fiber based broadband services using the DemandGen tool inside VETRO FiberMap. DemandGen is a tool used by many small and mid-sized IPS’s to help them determine where the greatest geographic pockets of demand are within their service areas and to communicate service availability at the address level. They also use this information to make critical data-driven decisions on where to prioritize construction of new fiber builds.

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Tags: Case Studies

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