New Feature | The Plan Estimation Tool

Posted by Cecilia on Jan 23, 2020 4:37:17 PM
Introducing: The Plan Estimation Tool

The Plan Estimation Tool (PET) is a collection of new features that offer a comprehensive overview of the material and labor costs associated with a fiber network build. Click here for a quick introductory video.

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Tags: Product Features

New Feature | Analysis with Polygons

Posted by Cecilia on May 30, 2019 2:11:22 PM

Analysis with Polygons allows more reporting flexibility

Our product team recently released improvements to our Analysis with Polygons toolset, which provides engineering and sales teams alike with clear network asset information, market data, and build cost estimation. Click the video below for a brief introduction.

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Tags: Product Features

Watch Our Webinar: From Zero to BOM in 20 Minutes

Posted by Team NBT on Apr 27, 2018 1:00:35 PM

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Tags: Product Features

VETRO FiberMap & CostQuest Associates Release CAF II Opportunity Analysis Tool

Posted by Team NBT on Feb 8, 2018 2:19:56 PM

Portland, ME - VETRO FiberMap and CostQuest Associates (CQA) announced today the release of a jointly developed analysis tool for broadband providers to assess their potential for participating in the FCC’s forthcoming CAF II Reverse Auction.

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Tags: Product Features, Partnerships

VETRO FiberMap & COS Systems Announce Interoperability of COS Systems Demand Aggregation Suite with VETRO FiberMap Network Mapping & Fiber Management Solution

Posted by Team NBT on Mar 21, 2017 2:29:45 PM

VETRO FiberMap™ & COS Systems announce COS Service Zones demand aggregation suite is compatible with the fiber management solution

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Tags: Product Features, Partnerships

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