Google Earth for Fiber Mapping: Blessing or Curse?

Posted by Team NBT on Apr 26, 2016 2:27:19 PM

Is Google Earth for Fiber Mapping a blessing or curse? Over the past 15 years of doing GIS business in telco we have seen a major shift off of desktop GIS tools and onto Google Earth. Google bought and launched the Google Earth platform we all now know in 2005, leveraging technology and the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) originally created by Keyhole (fun fact, a CIA funded startup). It became wildly popular for a number of reasons - it’s easy, it’s loaded with imagery and data, it’s fun, it’s gorgeous, it’s flexible, and it’s free!!

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Tags: Industry Trends

Moore's Law and High Speed Broadband

Posted by Team NBT on Mar 23, 2016 2:29:07 PM

Every now and then I find the time to read those copies of The Economist magazine that stack up on my dining room table (yes, I do still read print because I find it is the most convenient way to read magazine articles while traveling). My interest was piqued by the title on the cover of the March 12th edition ”The Future of Computing.” Because I am in the computing business, I decided I should see what my future holds. It turns out the primary question the authors were trying to answer was what the computing world will look like as the pace of computer hardware advancements slow or level off.

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Tags: Industry Trends

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