Fiber to your Hometown: Broadband as the 4th Utility

Posted by Cecilia on Apr 2, 2019 12:30:54 PM

Fiber to your Hometown: Broadband as the Fourth Utility.

VETRO FiberMap has participated as an exhibitor at the Broadband Communities Summit for the past five years. This year’s topics were heavily focused on open-access municipal fiber network projects, which drew a crowd of around 1,200 conference attendees.

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Tags: Industry Trends

Case Study: Open Access Fiber in South Africa

Posted by Cecilia on Mar 24, 2019 3:34:11 AM

TTConnect uses VETRO FiberMap to meet demand for open access fiber broadband networks.

Sample network from TTConnect in VETRO FiberMap.
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Tags: Case Studies

Industry Themes: Edge Computing, 5G Deployment, and Fiber Densification

Posted by Cecilia on Feb 4, 2019 10:10:11 AM

Fiber industry collaboration, investment, and new technology in preparation for edge computing, 5G deployment and fiber densification.

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Tags: Industry Trends

Case Study: Mapping as a Strategic Tool

Posted by Cecilia on Jan 25, 2019 1:30:30 AM

Kit Carson Electric Cooperative uses VETRO FiberMap mapping to reduce troubleshooting time and meet demand for new fiber broadband service.

Kit Carson Electric Cooperative (KCEC) is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative that has served Taos, Colfax and Rio Arriba counties in New Mexico since 1944. For the past 75 years, KCEC has provided electricity to more than 29,000 members. In the 1990s, the electrical deregulation movement brought unprecedented changes to the utility industry and opened the door for KCEC to offer new infrastructure services, such as propane and internet. In 2000, Kit Carson Internet was established to resell dial-up, DSL, satellite internet and line-of-sight wireless.

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Tags: Case Studies

Pioneer Broadband Uses VETRO FiberMap to Bring Broadband to Rural Communities

Posted by Team NBT on Oct 23, 2018 8:32:18 PM

Pioneer Broadband is bringing rural broadband to Northern and Downeast Maine communities using VETRO FiberMap for planning, design, provisioning, and inventory efficiencies.

Portland, ME:  VETRO FiberMap, a leading provider of solutions for fiber network mapping and broadband infrastructure, and Pioneer Broadband, a ‘pioneer’ in Northern Maine internet delivery, today announced that Pioneer has successfully completed several rural broadband FTTH network build projects using the VETRO FiberMap platform as a core technology.  Highlights include FTTH projects completed in Houlton and Sherman as well as network design for Downeast Broadband Utility covering Calais and Baileyville.

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Tags: Company News

VETRO FiberMap® and CCMI Announce Industry-Leading Platform Integration

Posted by Team NBT on May 22, 2018 2:32:42 PM

VETRO FiberMap® and CCMI Announce Industry-Leading Platform Integration

CCMI’s FiberLocator Database Housed Within VETRO FiberMap® Network Mapping and Management Solution Provides ISPs with Unprecedented Functionality and Seamless Access to Market Intelligence and Network Infrastructure Discovery.

Portland, ME - May 22, 2018 - VETRO FiberMap, a leading provider of solutions for fiber network mapping and broadband infrastructure management, and CCMI, makers of FiberLocator, the fiber discovery platform, today announced that VETRO and FiberLocator can now share data and work in concert, enabling superior network planning and design coupled with market intelligence on partner and competitor assets.

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Tags: Partnerships

VETRO FiberMap® and CostQuest Associates Launch Partnership

Posted by Team NBT on Apr 27, 2018 5:07:03 PM

Portland, ME -- Today NBT Solutions, makers of fiber network mapping platform VETRO FiberMap® and broadband economic modeling firm CostQuest Associates announced an integration partnership blending VETRO FiberMap’s fiber GIS with CostQuest’s broadband business case modeling engine.  The “VETRO-CQ” joint offering is a cloud based platform that empowers broadband providers with the ability to assess the viability of building FTTx in any market, coupled with comprehensive tools for network engineering, design, and ongoing operations and inventory.  Using VETRO-CQ, service providers will be able to compete at a higher level in their markets; VETRO-CQ features:

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Tags: Partnerships

Watch Our Webinar: From Zero to BOM in 20 Minutes

Posted by Team NBT on Apr 27, 2018 1:00:35 PM

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Tags: Product Features

VETRO FiberMap & CostQuest Associates Release CAF II Opportunity Analysis Tool

Posted by Team NBT on Feb 8, 2018 2:19:56 PM

Portland, ME - VETRO FiberMap and CostQuest Associates (CQA) announced today the release of a jointly developed analysis tool for broadband providers to assess their potential for participating in the FCC’s forthcoming CAF II Reverse Auction.

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Tags: Product Features, Partnerships

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