VETRO, Inc. Welcomes New Chief Financial Officer Michaela Goodwin

Posted by Victoria Karol on Aug 18, 2020 1:37:50 PM

VETRO, Inc. is excited to announce that Michaela Goodwin has joined the company as Chief Financial Officer. Michaela will leverage her 20+ years of operating experience in growth-oriented SaaS technology companies to lead VETRO’s financial strategy and operations.

Prior to joining VETRO, Michaela was most recently CFO at Promoboxx, a B2B, SaaS-based digital marketing platform, where she successfully led the company through critical stages of growth including debt and equity fundraising efforts.

Michaela holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and currently sits on the Board of Directors for Promoboxx and Full Plates Full Potential, a non-profit organization focused on ending childhood hunger in Maine.

Michaela’s exceptional breadth of hands-on, collaborative leadership experience in finance, sales and operations is a natural fit for VETRO’s rapid growth environment. Michaela has already guided VETRO through the complexities of operational planning post-COVID and successfully closed an oversubscribed round of funding. She continues to work with our new and existing team members to build operational efficiency in support of scale.

The VETRO team welcomes Michalea as we endeavor to leverage our industry expertise and innovative approach to fiber management in this unprecedented landscape of active broadband infrastructure expansion around the world.

Connect with Michaela on LinkedIn or by email at

Tags: Company News

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