VETRO chosen for BBC Magazine Top 100 Fiber to the Home Leaders and Innovators for 2020

Posted by Victoria Karol on Jul 31, 2020 11:10:35 AM

With new fiber broadband infrastructure investments surging throughout the US and around the globe, suppliers and vendors that support fiber operators are shifting and scaling to stay in step with the trend.

Broadband Communities magazine every year chooses 100 vendors across varying operational niches, representing segments of the entire fiber to the home ecosystem. With fiber deployment picking up speed, competition to make BBC magazine’s list gets stiffer by the year. For the fourth year running, VETRO has made the list for fiber management software providers.

In choosing the Top 100 FTTH list each year, the editorial staff at BBC magazine considers organizations that are:

  • Deploying networks that are large or ambitious, have innovative business plans, or are intended to transform local economies or improve communities’ quality of life
  • Supplying key hardware, software or services to deployers
  • Introducing innovative technologies with game-changing potential, even if they have not yet been commercially deployed
  • Providing key conditions for fiber builds, such as advocacy or demand aggregation

Also of note, we’re proud to be one of two companies from Maine on the list this year - our friends and neighbors Otelco also made the Top 100 in the fiber operator category.

Check out the full list here. Congratulations to all of the winners, and many thanks to BBC mag for the nod in 2020!

Tags: Company News

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