New Feature | The Plan Estimation Tool

Written by Cecilia | Jan 23, 2020 9:37:17 PM
Introducing: The Plan Estimation Tool

The Plan Estimation Tool (PET) is a collection of new features that offer a comprehensive overview of the material and labor costs associated with a fiber network build. Click here for a quick introductory video.

While there are sophisticated spreadsheets used to help generate estimates, all of them require inputting proposed or actual network asset counts. Network planners have to take the "swivel chair" approach, constantly moving between the spreadsheet and applications such as Google Earth—one tool to count the assets, and another to summarize the asset counts and project costs.

VETRO FiberMap solves this problem with GIS-based technologies; because the PET combines mapping and asset data with costing algorithms, users can now generate asset summaries and project cost estimates through a single solution.

As a result, estimates that previously took hours to calculate can now be completed in minutes, and transcription errors moving data from one application to another (i.e. Google Earth to spreadsheets) have been virtually eliminated.

For more information about this feature, or to request a live demo or pricing information, please click here to connect with our sales team directly.